6 reasons to increase mineral intake in winter
Most people are aware of the importance of minerals and electrolytes in the context of summer months, as sweating and dehydration are commonly associated with mineral deficiencies. However, it is equally important to maintain adequate mineral intake during the winter months for various reasons. Here are six key reasons why:

1. Immune support
Cold and flu viruses are more prevalent during winter, making it essential to support the immune system with proper mineral intake. Minerals like zinc, iron, selenium, and copper play a crucial role in immune function, helping to strengthen the body's defenses against infections.

2. Energy Production
With colder weather and reduced sunlight, maintaining adequate mineral levels becomes vital for energy production. Minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus, and iron are involved in the metabolism of energy from food, ensuring optimal energy levels during the winter months.

3. Electrolyte balance
While dehydration is commonly associated with summer, it can also occur in winter due to increased heating and decreased thirst sensation. Minerals like potassium, sodium, and magnesium help maintain electrolyte balance, ensuring proper nerve and muscle function even during the colder months.

4. Bone Health
Maintaining healthy bones is crucial regardless of the season. Calcium, magnesium, and vitamin D are essential minerals for bone health, and ensuring sufficient intake during winter becomes especially important when outdoor activities and sunlight exposure may be limited.

5. Mood and Mental health
Winter is often associated with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) due to reduced sunlight exposure. Certain minerals, such as magnesium, zinc, and iron, play a role in the production and regulation of neurotransmitters that affect mood and mental well-being. Adequate mineral intake can help support a healthy brain and minimize the risk of mood disorders.

6. Skin Health
Harsh winter weather can lead to dryness and irritation of the skin. Minerals like zinc, selenium, and copper are important for maintaining healthy skin. They support collagen production and provide antioxidant protection, helping to defend the skin against damage and maintain its integrity.
Quinton: A Natural Solution
Originating from seawater, Quinton is a rich source of all 78 essential minerals, mirroring the mineral composition of human blood plasma. Through a proprietary process, seawater is purified while preserving its rich nutrients, ensuring it's safe for human consumption.
Quinton contains all essential minerals and electrolytes in the perfect ratios for absorption, no sugar, artificial sweeteners, or artificial ingredients. It aims to restore your mineral balance, boost your energy levels, and promote overall wellness.
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