A massive product box arrived, with numerous boxes of glass vials and basic instructions. Having watched a fair number of Marvel movies lately with my six-year-old, who is obsessed with superheroes, I must admit that all the different boxes initially brought forth visions of clandestine spy activities, with unlabelled vials of rocket fuel and the like. However, being curious about what this apparent new fad offered, I was compelled to give it a proper go.
Totum is a completely natural hydration supplement, made from 100% cold micro-filtered seawater, and which provides you with all 78 essential minerals and electrolytes that are necessary for optimal hydration during workouts or competition. When you sweat, you lose not only water, but also electrolytes, so drinking just water is not the best solution. Instead, drinking high-electrolyte content is far better, and Totum's research shows that mineral salts prevent intracellular dehydration, thus aiding faster recovery, avoiding fatigue, and reducing the risk of injury.
When researching the product, it made much more sense when I read the product description: "Our minerals are present in ionic form, meaning they don't have to go through your digestive system like other mineral solutions. Instead, they are immediately and naturally absorbed, and utilised by your cells." So, you could liken it to a drip while exercising... it goes straight to where it is needed most!