The Advanced Quinton Protocol is a process used to obtain and treat seawater that is unlike any other in the world. It is patented and perfected by Quinton's technical team.

Obtaining the raw material at specific points in the water and at a certain depth.

Cold microfiltration. We remove all impurities, pathogenic microorganisms and contaminating agents.

quality assurance
We take quality and purity seriously, subjecting our raw material to over 100 physical, physiochemical, and biological analyses throughout the production and packaging process.
Seawater Extraction: How do we obtain our raw material?
Our laboratory and manufacturing site is located only 25 km from the Mediterranean coast. However, seawater extraction takes place more than 680 km from the laboratory, in the Bay of Biscay in Northern Spain, 10 miles from the coast and 20 meters deep.
The area has been carefully selected due to its mineral wealth that favors the appearance of phytoplankton and zooplankton. The biological richness of the area allows for the integration of nutrients in the food chain and, consequently, increases the bioavailability of inorganic nutrients.
Furthermore, as it is located far from the coast, sources of pollution such as industrial and livestock activity and effluents are avoided.
Nonetheless, all batches of our raw material seawater are subject to rigorous controls, such as the determination of heavy metals, pesticides, petroleum derivatives and microplastics.
Our production protocol, unlike any other in the world
Once the seawater has been extracted from rigorously selected locations and after the initial on-site filtration, the raw material is taken to Quinton Laboratories in a refrigerated truck.
Once there, it is subjected to a rigorous analytical control to rule out the presence of contaminating agents. It also undergoes a double cold microfiltration in a clean room to eliminate the content of microorganisms.
These procedures guarantee seawater which is suitable for consumption. At the same time, the process of microfiltration allows us to preserve seawater's natural qualities and organic matter content, preventing the emergence of free radicals and avoiding the micro-precipitation of some minerals such as calcium and magnesium salts.
This is common when other treatments such as heat or ultraviolet are used, which are responsible for the irritating or dehydrating effects of other seawater-based products.
More than 100 control parameters
Throughout the production and packaging process, we subject our raw materials to physical, physiochemical and biological analysis, altogether testing more than 100 parameters which guarantee that Quinton's Plasma and its by-products are of the highest quality and safety for consumption and remedial use.
In our laboratory, we implement the protocols and recommendations of organizations such as the EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) and the AECOSAN (Spanish Agency for Food Safety and Nutrition), in addition to other in-house controls, thus ensuring the absence of contaminants such as heavy metals, oil derivatives, pesticides, radioactivity and pathogens.
It should be noted at this point that our pharmaceutical production unit complies with the ISO 9001, ISO 14001, FDA's Food Supplements GMPs, GMPs and GMP/NCF Cosmetics (ISO 22716) standards.
Many of these parameters were defined by René Quinton himself, creator of Quinton's Plasma and considered the father of Marine Therapy. Others, however, have been incorporated over time in accordance with the different standards and principles of Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs).